@article{oai:redcross.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002944, author = {近藤, 研司 and 後東, 知宏 and 宮武, 克年 and 古泉, 智文 and 中山, 崇 and 藤井, 幸治 and 武田, 芳嗣 and 成瀬, 章}, issue = {1}, journal = {徳島赤十字病院医学雑誌, Tokushima Red Cross Hospital Medical Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {【Purpose】To report the clinical results of patients who underwent open reduction internal fixation(ORIF)with rigid anatomical plates. 【Objectives and Methods】Clinical results of 17patients(5men, 12women ; mean age, 66years)who underwent ORIF using an ONI Transcondylar Plate or LCP distal humerus plate were evaluated. Fractures were classified into type A(12cases)and type C(5cases)according to the Associate Orthopedic(AO)classification. 【Results】The mean range-of-motion at the final follow-up was 121°in flexion and ‐18°in extension. Bone union was completed in all 17patients, but malunion was noted in 1patient. Ulnar nerve palsy occurred in 2patients and loosening of screws in 3patients. 【Discussion】The clinical results of ORIF using rigid anatomical plate fixation for distal humerus fractures were relatively good. However, for patients with intra-articular fractures and/or severe osteoporosis, doubleplating would be preferable.}, pages = {32--34}, title = {当院における成人上腕骨遠位部骨折の治療成績}, volume = {16}, year = {2011} }